Introduction | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2D Echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular function starts with the anatomical makeup of the left ventricle. Two factors, mass and volume, allows characterization of the left ventricular anatomy which indicates the pathological state of the left ventricle. In order to calculate mass and volume true short and long axis measurements must be obtained. Foreshortening of the left ventricle will yield incorrect values and mislead the therapy. Two models, the prolate ellipse model and the hemiellipse model are used, along with other models, to calculate the left ventricular mass and volume. Once global function has be defined, 2D echocardiography also allows for the assessment of regional function of the left ventricle. |
Foreshortening | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Foreshortening is the incorrect measurement of the left ventricular axis, usually the long axis, due to improper sector scan of the left ventricle. The sector scan, instead of cutting across the true long axis of the left ventricle, cuts an acute angled sector scan that will yield a shorter axis than the true axis length. The apex of the left ventricle should remain stationary throughout the cardiac cycle in the midesophageal views. If the apex of the left ventricle appears to move towards the base of the heart then the sector scan is foreshortened. The apex of the left ventricle is relatively immobile throughout the cardiac cycle. If a foreshortened view is obtained, usually ante flexing the transesophageal probe will yield the correct non-foreshortened view. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Left Ventricular Contraction | |||||||||||||||||||||||
The left ventricle wall is separated into the subendocardial, midwall, and subepicardial muscle fibers. Each section of fibers is arranged in different directions, such that, during contraction, each set of muscle fibers contributes to different aspects of the contraction process. When the left ventricle contracts it shortens the left ventricle's long axis, short axis, and lastly, a "wringing effect" whereby the base and the apex of the ventricle rotate around the long axis of the left ventricle. |
When measuring end-diastolic and end-systolic parameters, use the ECG. The onset of systole occurs at the peak of the QRS complex and the end of systole occurs at the end of the T wave (when the ventricle is repolarized). End-diastole occurs just prior to the initiation of the QRS complex. It is very difficult to be consistent in measuring cardiac timing events by looping thru the mechanical movements. Using the electrical events of the cardiac cycle will make the measurements more consistent. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Mass | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Cylinder-hemiellipsoid Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||
If area and length are measured then the mass of the left ventricle can be calculated from the cylinder-hemiellipsoid method. Using the formula: |
V = 5/6 * Area * Length |
where Area is the area of the left ventricle in a LVSAX view (just below the mitral valve leaflet tips or high papillary view) and length is the base-to-apex length (Long Axis (LAX)) in a non-foreshortened LVLAX view, usually the 4 chamber view. The measurements are made in end-diastole. The cavitary volume is calculated using the endocardial border. The heart volume is calculated using the epicardial border. The difference between the heart volume and cavitary volume is the myocardial volume |
Area | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Fractional Area Change (FAC) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Circumferential Shortening | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Instead of area, circumference can be used to indicate the function of the heart. Circumferential shortening, which uses circumference, can be calculated by the formula: |
CS is Circumferential shortening, EDC is end-diastolic circumference, and ESC is end-systolic circumference. The circumference is measured along the endocardial border. While area and circumference can indicate the function of the left ventricle, area and circumference only measures ejection fraction in one plane. Also, wall thickening, an indication of ventricular function, is not measured. |
Fractional Shortening (FS) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Fractional shortening or change is the amount of change of the SAX of the left ventricle. Fractional shortening is usually measured utilizing M Mode. Fractional shortening is calculated using the left ventricular short axis in systole and diastole: |
Normal values for fractional shortening are 30 percent. Fractional shortening is affected by preload, afterload, and contractility, similar to ejection fraction. If focal regional wall motion abnormalities are present that are not recognized by M Mode evaluation, then the Fractional shortening measurement will overestimate the myocardial function. |
Volume | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Volume measurements look at multiple planes of ventricular function. By viewing multiple planes, the volume measurements can be more accurate than FAC or FS. The volume of a cardiac chamber can be measured by two methods:
From the measurement of volumes in systole and diastole, the ejection volume, ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume and others can be calculated. |
Method of Discs (MOD) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Biplane Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||
In the biplane method, two orthogonal planes of the left ventricle are used, usually the 2 chamber view and the 4 chamber view. The longest axis of the two planes is used for the axis length. The left ventricular cavity is divided into usually 20 discs. The area of each of the discs are calculated then an integral of the disc area to calculate the volume of the left ventricle is performed. The ventricle is divided into discs and the volume calculation is performed. By using the biplane method, significant anatomical variations of the two planes will be included in the calculation, resulting in a more accurate value for left ventricular volume. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
To describe each disc or ellipse the left ventricular cavity long axis should be measured in two perpendicular views (LVLAX and 4CV). The diameters from each view can then be used to calculate the area of each disc (pi * a * b). Multiplying each disc by it's thickness yields a volume. The total volume of the discs is the left ventricular volume. |
Acoustic Quantification (AQ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Acoustic quantification is a special method to detect the endocardial border in an echocardiographic scan. Once the border has been optimally detected, the volume of the left ventricle (or other chamber) can be calculated in real time. The patient's ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume and cardiac output can be performed beat-to-beat. This advanced method has many uses but it is technically difficult to do and has a significant error rate if not properly performed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
To perform AQ the LVLAX is imaged in 2D mode. The endomyocardial borders will need to be visible by manipulating the LGC and TGC gain controls. An region-of-interest (ROI) is drawn. The area of interest must include the whole LVLAX view and the endocardial movement. If the endocardial moves beyond the region-of-interest (ROI) then that portion of the LVLAX will not be included in the calculations. Reproducibility determines the quality of the scan. If multiple successive cardiac cycles yield values which are close to each other (accuracy) then the scan is considered to be of high quality. However, if successive values are not accurate then the scan is considered to be of low quality. The MOD calculation is used for AQ and carries all of the inherent errors in the MOD method. AQ can calculate the following values:
SAX/LAX Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Tortoledo et al developed a formula that uses the LAX and the SAX of the left ventricle to calculate the end-diastolic left ventricular volume. The formula is: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Area-Length Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Ejection Fraction (EF) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Ejection Fraction (EF) is the fraction of left ventricular volume that is ejected during systole. The difference between the end-diastolic volume (EDV) and the end-systolic volume (ESV) is the stroke volume (SV). The stoke volume is divided by the end-diastolic volume. Ejection Fraction is preload, afterload, and contractility dependent. The formula for Ejection Fraction is: SV = EDV - ESV EF = SV / EDV |
To calculate an ejection fraction, the volume of the left ventricle can be calculated utilizing the Teicholz or spherical formulas and measuring the left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic diameters. The Teicholz formula is accurate for non dilated hearts. For dilated, spherical hearts the spherical formula is more accurate. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
The ejection fraction does not equal fractional area change (FAC). Ejection fraction is a volume change calculation whereas, fractional area change is an area change calculation. The table below shows how ejection fraction and fractional area change relate in a normal heart. Also, the three animations show the central area displacement for different fractional area changes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Conclusions | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Left ventricular volume calculations, although fairly accurate, tend to underestimate the left ventricular volume when compared to angiographic data. Foreshortening of the left ventricle, LV LAX measurement differences, and contrast filling intermyocardial interstices account for the underestimation of echocardiographic left ventricular volume measurements. |